These first two weeks are all about YOU. Your child flourishes when YOU flourish. Bring on the aliveness, the sense of connection with your inner and outer resources for positive change. We will:
- Develop a clear vision of the mother you really want to be so your deepest desires are at the forefront to activating the change you want
- Maximize your brain & get oodles more results by using the specially designed DAILY MAMA ACTIVATIONS. You’ll learn to POWER UP in the morning and POWER DOWN in the evening.
- Develop and individualized MAMA PLAN to provide the structure you need so your motherhood can go to new heights!
- Learn why taking care of ourselves is the opposite to selfish. Unearth the best ways to amp up your mama pleasure in ways that enhance the life-force of your whole family.
- Begin developing the art of powerful presence and emotional connection for yourself so that you can become an intuitive mother.